Please choose your preference on a NEW Lottery Format. Detailed descriptions are listed below the poll.
Option #1: We have the 8 non-playoff teams entered into a lottery for ALL picks 1-8. Slot the 4 first round losers from low-high for picks 9-12. Slot the next round losers as picks 13-16. Slot Conference Final losers are 17-18, then the finals participants as 19-20. In this scenario, the worst team would draft #8 at its worst possibility.
Option #2: We have the 8 non-playoff teams entered into a lottery for picks 1-4, then place the remainder of those 8 in slots 5-8 based on winning pct. Slot the 4 first round losers from low-high for picks 9-12. Slot the next round losers as picks 13-16. Slot Conference Final losers as 17-18, then the finals participants as 19-20. In this scenario, the worst team would draft #5 at its worst possibility.
Option #3 (kind of a hybrid between current rules & Idea #2): We have the 8 non-playoff teams entered into a lottery for picks 1-4. The 4 teams who lose out on the lottery pick are added to the 4 teams knocked out in the first round of the playoffs and those 8 teams are given equal chances for winning picks 5-12. Slot the next round losers as picks 13-16. Slot Conference Final losers are 17-18, then the finals participants as 19-20. In this scenario, the worst team would draft #12 at its worst possibility.